Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The order in the randomness...

So much of life it seems to me is defined by pure randomness.

Randomly you pick up a book and happen to chance upon something that will change your life. Forever.

Randomly you venture out for a stroll and bump into an old acquaintance.

Randomly you gaze out of your window and spot an eagle chancing upon its prey.

Randomly you meet someone and you hit it off like you have known each other forever.

Randomly you get nostalgic and reminisce.

Randomly events happen and you experience a sense of deja vu.

Randomly you get a whiff of your favourite delicacy and you can virtually experience the flavours.

Randomly you see a little child selling flowers at the signal and you say a little prayer for her.

Randomly you smile at complete strangers and spread cheer around.

Randomly you get jostled in the Mumbai local trains and you squabble like there's no tomorrow.

Randomly you have this burning desire to hit the flea market and you have the time of your life haggling on the streets.

Randomly you pick up the phone and dial the first number that comes to your head.

Randomly you surprise someone and make their day.

As John Lennon so aptly put it "life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans."

Albeit ; randomly , I say :)


  1. Randomly I selected a post and hey presto !!

  2. Hi there..

    Good post..

    True.. doing things randomly and spontaneously is a lot of fun.. if one is a real sport!!!!

    Work from home India

  3. I really like this post, Samyukta. I've had a lot of magical things happen to me randomly and am an ardent admirer of the Universe's whims and fancies.

    Thanks for your visit to Places I've Been. Keep coming back.


  4. @work hard : thanks. I so agree with you. Keep visiting
    @ Ranee : I have been writing very randomly, will do so with mo regularity now. Keep visiting!

  5. A lovely post!Rings very true in my case.Had one random incident in my life recently which changed my life forever.

    Reading your post took me back in time. Thanks for posting.cheers...
