Friday, September 25, 2009

Of monologues , travellogues and dialogues...

On This auspicious note, I commence my monologue about my travelogue...I have been traversing quite a bit in the past year. These are some snapshots of the same.

The smells, the tastes, the sounds of every place is so unique and different. Every city has a story to tell. The culture, the social mores, and the dialect everything is so different yet so similar.

It amazes me to see the countryside and then the metropolis. The cuisine reveals so much about the hand that is cooking it.

I utilise a lot of my travel time in devouring books.

I did something I love doing. Pondering time.

So I armed myself with the book I am currently reading – The alchemy of desire: Tarun Tejpal, my i pod and off I went to Carter Road.

Sat by the sea, listening to music, reading my book. Also spent a considerable amount of time standing and staring at everything around me. It was awesome since I kept oscillating between reality and fiction. I was there yet I wasn’t when I chose otherwise. Silence is such a comforter sometimes.

A wave of calmness swept over me. I was at peace with myself and the rest of the world. Amen. Bismillah.

My friend came over to the CCD overlooking the promenade. I hopped to the other to join her over a cuppa. Digging into a yummy brownie and sipping a frappe, we yakked over everything and nothing. The icing on the cake was her gift to me... a goody of books. Yipee!

Sigh! Watte fun!


  1. Sammy, identify the places na. And, yeah, read, baby, read!

  2. Sam, I've thought about it, let's go ahead with the communal library. I hope to one day have something like this: Btw, the Roald Dahl space I was talking about: Love!

  3. Kolhapur,Bhopal,Aurangabad ,Indore , Mumbai in that order...and yes Roh definitely we need to start our communal library. I can smell the lovely rosewood cupboards already!

  4. Nicely written and nice pics. Staring at Carter Road and the CCD - A NICE WAY TO SPEND TIME. i TOO LOVE BOOKS.

  5. thank you so much Sir. Aren't books man's best friend?

  6. Hey .. those pics are real nice..

    Ur right when u say Silence is such a comforter.. it is such a de- stressor sometime..

    Work from home India

  7. @workhard: I silently revel in the compliment:)
