Monday, September 21, 2009

The KISS rule

More often than not, we miss out on the little pleasures that life has to offer us; in our obsessive compulsive desire to chase something bigger, something better.

There’s no redemption then, it’s then a case of crying of spilt milk. Notice the small; so called inconsequential things around you and life is such a pretty picture!

I am consciously trying to follow the KISS principle in my life now...keep it simple and short.

No dilly dallying. No jumping the gun. Living and loving every moment that life has to offer.

I observed the display in a men’s salon. The salon offered manicure, pedicure, facial et al.

It was funny however to see that all the brands and the product range on display were meant for the fairer sex.

Why can’t we have more cosmetic products specifically manufactured for male species?

The trend of the metrosexual man sure has been on the upsurge. Garnier does have a specially formulated men’s fairness cream. Parachute has some special hair gel for men. But nothing else that is specifically male.

The skin tone , texture , type for a guy is very different from that of a woman...why not make separate lotions , creams , moisturisers, sun screen lotions, scrubs...the works...bring it on...make all the potions and tonics suitable for a man.

Brew it all and make a heady concoction that will make his skin shine and glow and so entrapped will he be in his own beauty that Narcissa’s love for himself will pale (literally and figuratively) in comparison!


  1. Little things are to be enjoyed, and the moment lived. I agree.When you eat the ice cream, be with the ice cream. So be it with all the chores of the day. Life, then, can be lived to the hilt.
    Thought provoking post and a great insight to be carried forward and lived.

  2. Thank you Sir. I am blessed indeed that you take time out from your busy schedule to read my posts.

  3. Sam, go visit your local hypermart. You'll find an array (about 10) of Indian products for men. The only reason salons mostly use women's products is cos the ones for men are so bloody expensive!

  4. Aha was thinking of writing on "the barber shop" but you beat me to it.
    Yes your observations are so true.
