Friday, September 18, 2009

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind...

How many years can a mountain existbefore it’s washed to the sea?

Yes, n how many years can some people exist

Before they’re allowed to be free?

Yes, n how many times can a man turn his head,

Pretending he just doesn’t see?

The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind,

The answer is blowing in the wind.

These beautiful lyrics keep singing in my head. This multilayered song has so much of subtleties hidden deep within it.

Nothing is immortal. Nothing lasts forever. Change is inevitable. Change is indeed the only constant in life.

Here today, gone tomorrow.

We are never caught in a time warp. At this moment, millions of things are slowly stirring and a change is happening, unnoticed, unwaveringly.

The only person who can see it all, who knows it all is the wind – that current of air that sweeps across the universe.

Vāyu (Sanskrit: वायु,) is a primary Hindu deity, the Lord of the winds, the father of Bhima and the spiritual father of Lord Hanuman. He is also known as Vāta (वात), Pavana (पवन, the Purifier), and sometimes Prāna (प्राण, the breath).

One of the 5 elements of the universe, he races across continents, planets, oceans, space ages and time ages. He has seen it all .He knows it all.

More often than not, we end up visiting astrologers, tarot card readers, numerologists, fakirs, sadhus and babas lure us with glorious promises of showing us our future through the crystal ball.

But,everything is pre decided. God has a plan for each one of his children.

The universe is constantly whispering things to you, be intuitive, sharpen your 6th sense and the answers will come to you from within. From the soul.

Allow the wind to caress you, dance in the rain, soak in the warmth of the sun, roll on the green valleys, look towards the sky on a starry night all starry eyed.

As Shakespeare put it “The world is my stage and we are all the actors in it”.

I would take this a step further and say that the Director is the almighty who is closely listening, watching and protecting us. It is his manuscript, his blue print that we are all leading.

But the game of life is not that simple – at every stage we encounter cross roads.

Choices are hurled at us, there is one distinct path that always seems easy – “pathli gal li”, and one that seems full of thorns and obstacles.

More often than not, the road less travelled is the one full of trials and tribulations. Strangely it also culminates into immensely satisfying jubilations in the long haul.

Life’s like that. We love it .We hate it. With or without it, we cease to exist.

It’s ironic, despite everything; we always have a mental bucket list, without which life seems so mirthless.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.....


  1. Well written.We mortals don't understand the beautiful canvas that is painted by one up there.

  2. I humbly bow my head and say thank you to you Sir. Life is such a puzzle we are always trying to join the missing links together.

  3. Every word you’ve said above rings true to my ears. It’s almost as if this post is an answer to the endless litany of whys’ that confront us every moment. Reading this brought a beatific smile on my face. And thank you for that.
