Sunday, March 28, 2010

You can't go back and make a new beginning but you can start now and make a new ending!

Take a close look at the amazing sight I witnessed at a palace in Srirangapatnam. Aeons ago -mode of transportation : Carriage. Today : automobile. What are we talking about?

Change. The word itself is so disconcerting. Natural impulse is to resist it. Pretty violently at that!

Sometimes change is welcome and arrives like a soothing gust of breeze on a hot sultry day!

 And at most other times , it lurks in the shadows and casts its evil spell on an unsuspecting poor prey!

The earth is spinning on its axis and also around the sun. Every nanosecond , it is changing. How do we then expect the tiny little dots(human race) that reside in it to remain unchanged?

A baby matures into an adult , a sapling into a tree ...constant change.

Fashion statements keep changing. What is the norm today become meaningless and obsolete tomorrow. Day after the original statement gets back into vogue. Thats another constant factor about change. The fact that it always comes one full cycle and tends to keep repeating itself sporadically or otherwise.

Apparently , when a butterfly flaps its wings in India , that teeny weeny speck of change can give rise to a tornado miles away! Yet another addition to the multifaceted"change". The fact that its a chain reaction.

More often than not , change occurs without any prior intimation and tends to throw everything around it off gear. The feeling is unsettling and scary. Gradually , you get accustomed to it and then you imbibe it. Soon , it becomes a part of you.

And that my friend brings us to the most important dimension of this multifaceted"change"...the fact that it remains the undisputed constant factor of life!

So, the key to to let go of fear and embrace it bravely.

Cheers to that!


  1. Now a days these types of horse carts are used in wedding processions.

  2. @Haddock; so true..thats a style statement true thats reinventing the wheel,literally and figuratively!
