Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tough times don't last,tough people do!

Life is a roller coaster. Life is a sinusoidal wave. Life is all about trials and tribulations. Life is about give and take. Yes, life is a trade off.

Its always about making choices. Its about sacrificing and letting go. It teaches you to explore your inner dormant strength and helps you do things that you thought you were utterly incapable off!

People say , these are the experiences that shape your personality and make you stronger and bolder to face the world.

Its important they say, to stumble and fall just when everything seemed so good and happy. That speedbraker throws you completely off guard and you are left grappling with a sheer sense of incomprehension!

Alone time for me has always been important. "My space" is precious to me. But, too much of a good thing sort of negates the whole effect. Kind of kills the whole  aura.

As human beings , the survival of the fittest holds true and that makes us sail through the toughest of phases well and emerge intact and better than ever before.

The ashes are there now. The phoenix is slowly painfully reviving itself. Day by day . Definitely so. Soon it will emerge in a form more glorious and bedazzling than ever before.

God Bless!


  1. Yes, your phoenix should . all the best

  2. sometimes small battles leads to a big victory

  3. @ Iyer Sir: With your blessings and well wishes. Thanks
    @ Rajat: I so agree. Thanks for visiting
