Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What's cooking?

Too many cooks spoil the broth... an oft used adage.

Aeons old and wise like a good ol' bottle of wine.

Contrary to the same , we have always been taught the art of teamwork , the camaraderie of a joint venture whether it was sharing your lunch sandwich in pre school or involving everyone in a game of hide -n-seek or work much later in life.

It was and has always been about the " we " and not so much about the " I ".

But , the " I " is important. There are certain things in life that you need to do alone.

Where an external intervention will seriously mess it all up.

The road less travelled is often lonely and depressing.

Sometimes the solitude is exhilarating and divine.

I touched divinity when I saw the sun set over the brilliant gorges of the grand canynon and it took my breath away!

In the admist of scores of representatives of the human civilisation ,like a candle in the wind , I stood alone , my hands clasped in a prayer , with a song on my lips , going weak in my knees and wishing that I could hang on to that one magical moment forever and forever...


  1. Reflection is what I do alone. My space in itself clears my clutter and refreshes me.

  2. Thats beautiful. Will follow your lead Sir.
