Friday, September 26, 2014

Why so serious?

Karma or no karma - birth or rebirth, the reality, this is life, life is now, life is what is happening right here. Life may be now, but living will be in the future is the mantra most of us follow.

We can't be more wrong or further away from the truth. If your life is now, you must live it now as well.

We waste away most of our lives, dreaming of a better tomorrow and a brighter future. In this elusive quest, we miss out on all the little precious moments happening in our lives in the present.

Most of us in our old age will be wistfully regretting having letting go of the most beautiful phases of our life where we were blessed with the bountiful abundance of youth and health and we let it all rot with stress and pressure.

That is not to say, shirk your responsibilities, don't work hard, don't be committed. Nay, all that you sure must, but you owe yourself so much - to take care of that brilliant health that you were born with and not just your looks:p and laugh a lot from your heart and not just from your lips at officious gatherings:p

The fault with our generation is that we have grown up too soon, please don't get all excited and swell your chest with pride. Growing up does not translate to maturity or wisdom. It just means that we take ourselves too seriously and every single move we make is pre-determined and calculated. Every gesture we make needs to yield a return. We look for ROI in all aspects of our lives, including relationships.

No wonder, we are physically more sickly, mentally more pickly and spiritually all fickly than our parents or grandparents generation.
Let's loosen up, lighten our souls and live it up! Come on guys, we deserve it! We are alive and young and that's beautiful, ain't it? These are the best years of our life! There is nothing more empowering than being young!

.P.S. This piece is a dedication to Friends ( 20 years) . We developed OCDs with Monica, we laughed with Joey, sang Smelly Cat with Phoebe, we grew up with Chandler, thought like Ross and picked up a little fashion timing from Rachel.

Excuse me, where are you going?

Study, study, work hard, top the class, win competitions, land yourself a great job, play politics, climb over everyone else to get to the top and then what - oh! I forgot to mention, it gets lonely at the top.

So, is this the beautiful corporate dream? The desire to make lots of money quickly, gain a lot of power, pull some strings, play with people's "careers" , be consumed with an insane sense of self worth and end up a megalomaniac like ever other corporate czar, lose focus of who you are, where you come from, the parents who gave you birth, the partner who stood by you, the children you brought into this world but never really "brought up" - is that the end goal, the destination, the life force, the mothership that is stringing it all and playing all the chords?

Yes, money is important but can it buy you love, luck, health, joy, peace, sense of contentment and life itself. Nay, good sir but it so cannot! It can give you a lot of fleeting moments of temporary illusional smiles that you will term as happiness. It can buy you that great car, that amazing house, that dream cruise trip - can it give you the health to enjoy a car drive, a partner to share that house with or promise love with a family that stands by you and enjoys that cruise with you - unfortunately no!

Why then, despite all our education, experience and accomplishments do we still crave for the materialistic entities that in reality hold no promise of a happy life? Isn't happiness the end goal? How do we get there?

Let's just take a breather from the lives we so proudly call as "busy" and promise to put down our life goals and not just career planning for 5 years, 10 years down the lane - even if that be case, where do we want it to lead us? Think, think intelligent people, I urge each one of you to do so, including myself.

Do you know your end destination?

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Whatte Coincidence!

I was taking a walk through the bylanes of Pali Hill, admiring all the little cafes and chic hangouts. The old heritage homes are picture worthy and retain a sense of quaint charm around them. My favourite bit is the names of the places - so European in every sense including the thoughtfully done up window displays.

I stopped at one of my favourite eateries - The Yoga Cafe. Absolutely love the place - the food, the decor, the ambience. The menu is so wonderfully, well, just wonderful:) I love the lemongrass growing in the vegetable baskets and the bouganvillas creeping up the criss cross windows. I find it adorable that they serve salt and pepper strewn on the plate and not in shakers. It just makes my heart beat lightly and gleefully. My favourite bit is the mediterannean green walls with the anglicised white on the walls. Sigh! I am hopelessly in love.

As I was navigating through the traffic back home, I was stuck behind a Honda Brio for quite a bit and its backless frame had me amused. It stayed on mind all the way home. I settled on the couch for some TV time, when I caught the Nivea Whitening ad showcasing Anushka with a 14 day promise of going "backless"


Now, isn't that something - a car and a whitening lotion both going backless. I am tickled for sure. Do write back with more such similarities between non - related segments.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Sometimes, life can be so confusing. At other times, everything is so crystal clear. It's funny really, how you can dispense advice so easily to somebody else, but rarely are you able to do the same for yourself!

Where does that wise "you" disappear? I guess it is the third person perspective, vis-a-vis being too close to the situation phenomenon. You are too into it to think straight, to stay calm and to be intelligent. More often than not, you tend to jump to crazy conclusions and take even crazier decisions that you most certainly will regret at leisure sooner than later. Like right after, many a times.

Foresight, how many of us can honestly put a hand on our heart and claim we possess it? Who are we kidding, most of us don't! If we did, the world would be a more streamlined place, less chaotic.

Now, we have established that we don't have an iota of foresight, okay I know you are itching to say, you do a wee bit. I give you that my friend. Take it:) But, take a breather here and think this through - How does one develop foresight? You can say it in hindsight, worry not!

All answers welcome!

Monday, March 17, 2014

By Book Or By Crook #DreamLibrary

This has been on my bucket list since I was a little girl.

My earliest memory of reading is my mom reading out from that fat little abridged version of Tom Sawyer. It was quite beautiful really that boy with the twinkle in his eyes with a torn pair of jumpers, an apple in one hand and a brush in the other standing near a picket fence. I would repeat the lines slowly after mom and that was my first brush with reading, literally.

Then, I remember when I was about eight, my aunt took me to the library in my grandparents neighborhood. It was smelly and musty. But, my oh! my it was paradise. The books were stacked so high in the shelves, I kid you not, however hard I craned my neck, I couldn't see the top! The books I figured later were arranged as per authors. There was no demarcation or signages but the owner Ramesh and his brothers from Ramesh Library knew exactly what was placed where. I picked up my first Enid Blyton that day - The mystery of the disappearing cat. My aunt gave me a little talk introducing me to the world of Fatty and his friends. It sounded so exciting and adventurous.

I was hooked for life after that. Each birthday, when any of my parents friends asked me what I wanted as a gift, I would always ask for the "line" I was reading at that point in time. For.e.g. when I was into Nancy Drew, everybody got me a Nancy Drew. It was like a book gift registry with titles et al. I was always collecting entire ranges of one particular author or a line from the author's end.

I had one issue however, there was no space in the house for my books. So, my mother gave me the attic. As and when I finished a book, it would promptly be placed in the attic. So, I always would then go on a quest for the next one. My biggest issue was not having a space where all of it could be beautifully displayed in a teakwood cupboard author wise, segment wise. My mother's younger sister has a room in her place which is a dedicated library. It has a beautiful reclinable rocking chair with feet rest, a little table to place your coffee mug, a big window that you can look out of, a settee, carpeted wooden flooring, air conditioned, and two big teakwood cupboards plein de books! Super! I would add a little diwan with a few colourful cushions and inspirational quotes and images of my favourite authors on the walls.  A writing table with a laptop and a music system is a must. I would also throw in a big whiteboard with loads of colourful markers to make quick notes. A coffee presse in the room with a cookie jar would complete the little cove.

This will be my woman cave, my den that I would never step out of.

This is how my miniature library looks currently in my apartment in Mumbai:)

I dream of the day when I shall be chiling with an intriguing book in my hand, a steaming cuppa on my colourful diwan surrounded with all the books that I could possibly own! As I look up wistfully, the rain trickles over the french window penning its own thoughts...

Queen of the world!

It's been a while since I watched something so inspiring. It was beautiful, a story well told and its biggest trait - simplicity.

I hope you have watched Queen. If you haven't please go watch it today. It's your hard earned money and even harder earned time well spent.

Hats off to a director who had the courage to make such a feministic film. Its feminist alright without being over the top or in your face. It was just right.

He has touched upon subjects like drinking, sleeping around for fun, prostitution without being judgemental or conciliatory about it. He airs his views through his protagonist "Rani" very sweetly - Don't drink and sex too much okay? Leave this profession, it must be very tough. But you are superb on the pole. It's adorable.

Rani is amazing. It's quirky the way she spells out every situation - literally! She sees a couple french kissing on the streets of Paris and she very innocently tells herself lip to lip kiss.

It was heartening to see so many men applauding and laughing each time pot shots were taken at the villain masquerading as the hero! It's one thing for the director to use a feminist theme, yet another to have an audience now that not only accepts but also appreciates themes such as these.  That's super and warms the heart immensely.

This film is going to be legendary - it has all the makings of a great brand. People want to be associated with it and very positively at that!

Which reminds me, as a brand manager and brand custodian, I have a brand blog -  wherein I air my thoughts about the world of brand development and management. Do visit when you have a moment to spare. Would love to hear your views on a subject that enthralls me:)

Till then, I am the Queen of the world!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

People! Phew! People!

Most confusing species God created - "People"

A dog is loyal.
A cat is selfish.
A lion likes to dominate.
A rat likes to scavenge.
A fox is cunning.
A cow is giving.

But, what do people do? What is their fundamental nature? How do you define human nature? Is there anything, any one emotion, one single feeling or trait that defines this race called "people"?

I have come to the conclusion there isn't. "People" are a culmination of all the traits in the jungle kingdom. The worry is, increasingly people are veering more and more towards the negative traits of our animal friends.

I believe in karma, I believe what goes around comes around. Do we see it coming around, instantaneously from the same source? In most situations, no. But it happens. It does. Yes, in the same lifetime.

But, more and more people are acting in that sheer emotion of getting ahead, without sparing a thought about the consequences. Friendships are being trampled upon in that frenzy, and surprisingly nobody seems to think it is wrong.

I do not wish to preach. That is not the intention at all. I am far from perfect myself, but it pains me when you can't trust "People" anymore. Where is that fundamental human goodness that we are often asked to appeal to? I haven't seen it in a long long while:( I seek it desperately.

God, show me that sign I am seeking as I believe in you.